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Who we are

Eventsholic is an interactive portal that allows individuals, groups and businesses to create, share, find and attend events, activities, entertainment and everything that's happening in the most exciting cities in the world. Eventsholic also allows promoting events online. We are using technology to change the way our millions of users discover and experience events.

We are worldwide

You can browse and post events across the globe.

Eventsholic is Free

You can post the events for free of cost now and for future.

Fast Approval

Team Eventsholic will do everything for faster approval.

Events promotions

Increase your discoverability and drive more customers by boosting the visibility of your event.

Inbuilt Forms

Eventsholic comes with inbuilt forms ,which can be used to take survey or feedback or anything you would like to.

Inbuilt Url Shortener

Say bye bye to looooooooooooooooooooooooong urls, Eventsholic comes with url shortener. You can shorten any url in one click.

Multi-media Support

Why only text? when you can add images, videos, links, graphs and many more. Eventsholic have an inbuild editor which supports all kind of multimedia.

Inbuilt Messaging System

No more phone calls, no more emails, you can use inbuild messaging services to contact Eventsholic team for any queries.

Request for Category

You did not found a suitable category for your events? don't worry you can request a category in just 2 steps.


Why only english? when you can use your 100+ languages? you can input in any language, same will display in Eventsholic. You can translate in any language too.