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About Sufi Dance of Oneness® Workshop

Weekend workshop with Banafsheh

Listen…and allow this listening to lead you into movement and a dance that opens your whole being and rouses your creative fire from the depths of peace.

If you long to meditate with movement and feel drawn to truly ground your spirituality in your body and gain practical tools for living a more energized, peaceful and lucidly creative life, this workshop is for you.

Guided by the teachings of Rumi, delve into grounding and centering techniques that awaken your body, re-connect you with the Earth and your core, so you can open your central channel, your heart and align with Spirit.

Journey into ancient and contemporary ceremonies from high energy movement to stillness and silence in preparation for Sama–deep listening with the heart.

This workshop demystifies turning, offering access to Sufi whirling meditation in a few simple steps. This method allows people of all experience levels to turn for a sustained period with ease. One enters the Sama, pure listening, and ‘is danced’. An age-old practice of the legendary Sufi masters Rumi and Shams, the Sama is an inner journey and a direct path to creativity. It dissolves mental chatter into the vast ocean of presence, and we begin to simply be…unchained, free, present, and wildly inspired.

We will also explore the love poems that poured forth from Rumi as he whirled, and the symbolism and philosophy of the Sama as a complete spiritual path, one of the clearest ways to “embody the transcendent:, which H.H. the Dalai Lama calls, ‘the true meaning of life’.

Like the ground turning green in a spring wind,
Like birdsong beginning inside the egg,
Like the universe coming into existence,
The lover wakes and whirls
In a dancing joy that kneels down in praise.
— Rumi

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