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About Men's Football Championship - BSC2018

Bangalore Sports Carnival 2018 (2nd edition), a Sportzify entity was launched last year with a vision to create a month of Bangalore’s biggest sports & fitness fiesta where kids, men and women come out and play their favourite sports.

Bangalore Sports Carnival 2018 - 6 Different Sports | 1 Marathon (Beat The Heat) | Several Categories | 4 Weekends | Big Prizes for top 4 in every category & An experience of a lifetime.

Sportzify Presents Men's Football Championship - BSC2018 for the working professionals who are football enthusiast.

It is a Mixed Corporate Tournament.

- 20% Discount is valid till 30th April (Use Code: BSC20)

- 10% Discount is valid from 1st May - 12th May (Use Code: BSC10)

- 5% Discount is valid from 13th May - 25th May (Use Code: BSC5)

The complete tournament is being conceptualised, planned and organised by Sportzify.


Date & Day: 23rd & 24th June | Saturday & Sunday | 10AM to 6PM

Venue: Kicks On Grass, Bellandur


5 A Side Football League + 3 rolling subs (Mixed Corporate League + Knockout Format)


- We will have teams distributed equally in different pools of 4 teams each.

- Every team gets at least 3 matches to play.

- League Matches will be 5 mins each half with 2 mins break.

- Quarter Finals and Semi Final will be 8 mins each half with 3 mins break.

- Finals will be 10 mins each half with 5 mins break.

- It’s a mixed corporate league tournament.


Rs 3500 per Team

 20% Discount is valid till 30th April (Use Code: BSC20)

 10% Discount is valid from 1st May - 12th May (Use Code: BSC10)

 5% Discount is valid from 13th May - 25th May (Use Code: BSC5)


Winner: Rs 15,000 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate

Runner Up : Rs 10,000 + Trophy + Medal + Certificate

3rd Position : Trophy + Medal + Certificate

4th Position : Trophy + Medal + Certificate


  • You need to register online through or any other ticketing portal. You can also register through
  • Registrations can also happen directly through corporates directly. We will accept Cheque or Internet Banking transfer through any such direct corporate registration.
  • We will provide a proper invoice for any corporate registration.  
  • The last date to register is 20th June 2018.
  • If we complete the registration of all the teams before the deadline then the registration will be closed before the last date itself.
  • You can have players from different corporate to form one team. Make sure everyone carries an ID Card.
  • There will not be any On-Spot registration or offline payment.  
  • No other mode apart from online registration will be accepted.


  • One corporate can have multiple teams from one company.
  • Only one team from each pool will qualify.
  • It is a league+knockout tournament.
  • Number of players playing on the field will be 5 including the goalkeeper.
  • You can have max 3 rolling subs in your squad.
  • The league round will be 5 mins each half and 2 mins break.
  • The knockout matches will be 8 mins each half and 3 mins break.
  • In case there is a draw between the team points then we will see which team has won in the match between them. The team which has won in the top 2 teams will qualify for the knockouts.
  • You should have players working in same corporates in one team
  • Referee's decision will be considered as the final decision.Under no circumstances players will argue with the Referee's otherwise the team will be disqualified.


  • Fixture and match timings will be sent to your   registered email id by 22nd June, by 5PM.
  • You will receive a mail from our end to get the complete team details by 20th June, by 3PM.
  • Send the details of team players max by 22nd June by 5PM.
  • Kindly report 15 mins before the match timings
  • Anyone reporting after 10 mins of their match timings will be disqualified without refund of entry fees.
  • If you are registering for more than one team then make sure you give the details of both the teams along with your name and mail-id.
  • While registering you have to enter the Team name, Name, Email and Phone number of captain of the team.
  • All the players are requested to carry their company ID proofs when they come for their matches.
  • Players who fail to produce their company ID proof will be disqualified without refund of entry fees
  • Under any misconduct the organiser and the match official hold the right to disqualify any team or player for misconduct. There will be no refund of entry fees in this case.
  • All players are informed to wear shoes.
  • There will be no refund of the entry fees under any circumstances.
  • Referee’s decision will be considered as final decision. Under no circumstances, players will argue with the referees.

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