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About AngelHack Los Angeles Hackathon 2018

*This is not an overnight event

Every year, AngelHack adventures across the globe for our yearly Global Hackathon Series. Over the course of Summer 2018, we’ll hit six continents, bridging the gap between Silicon Valley innovation and entrepreneurs all over the world.

This year’s theme? Seamless Technology. Hackathons are built for rapid innovation, and rapid isn’t always pretty. But no matter the roadblock, broken code or bumps, we continue on and push forward, together. There’s no boundary or limit to what we can create.

So join us! Create something cool. Meet great people. Win great prizes. Who knows, your founder journey may begin in Los Angeles!

We offer our own Grand Prize AND team up with awesome sponsors who have their own challenges and prizes you can go after. Aiming for the HACKcelerator invite? Only in it for some cool hardware? Good news, you can go for as many challenges as you want!

AngelHack Challenge: Challenge yourself and your entrepreneurial spirit. Make something innovative without limits, something that brings positive change to the world, even something that solves a small problem. It’s that simple.

AngelHack Prize: The winning team from each hackathon will receive an invite into AngelHack’s HACKcelerator program.

Code For A Cause Impact Award Challenge: Build technology that solves a social or environmental problem and positively impacts your local community.

Code For A Cause Impact Award Prize: One Impact Award will be given out at each event. At the end of the Global Hackathon Series, the top Impact Award projects will be chosen by an expert judging panel including; Chan Zuckerberg, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; and more. These top five teams will receive an official invite into the HACKcelerator.

Stay Tuned for More Prizes to Come!

All ages, genders, and skill levels are welcome. Come solo or in a team of up to five, and spend the weekend learning new skills, meeting your local tech community and tech sponsors, enjoying free food, and more.

Our attendees typically consist of developers looking to improve their skills or expand their horizons, students, designers of all skill-sets, and serious entrepreneurs that can add value to teams. Bring your ideas and let’s go!

Want to get involved in another way? We’re always open to chat with potential sponsors, mentors, and judges! Just email info (at) to get connected.

Day 1
5:00 PM : Doors Open & Dinner
6:00 PM : Opening Ceremony, Sponsor Welcomes, & Team Building
7:00 PM : Coding Kick Off
7:30 PM: Sponsor Breakout Session
8:30 PM : Sponsor Breakout Sessions 
9:00 PM : Sponsor Breakout Session
10:00 PM : Venue Closes
*This is not an overnight event

Day 2 
8:00 AM : Breakfast
10:00 AM : Pitch Workshop
12:00 PM : Lunch
5:00 PM : Dinner
5:30 Code Freeze & Submission Deadline on
5:30 PM : A/V Check
6:00 PM : Demos 
7:30 PM : Winners are Announced / Prizes!

We know some rules are meant to be broken, but you should probably (read: definitely) stick by these:

1. Fresh Code - We all start coding at the same time. It’s cool to work on designs beforehand, digital mockups, open source frameworks, and anything else available to everyone, but keep things within fair limits.

2. Code Review - Winning teams may be subject to a code-review at some point following the event or immediately before winning. This is to ensure that all code used is in fact fresh.

3. Ownership and IP - You own your IP and whatever you create. Simple as that.

4. Team Size - No more than five people.

5. Submissions - Each hackathon has its individual hackathon.iopage where projects need to be submitted by the designated time. You’ll receive an email with instructions on how to do just that.

6. Demos - You’ll have 2 minutes to demo the functionality of your project and talk through your idea, and 1 minute for Q&A from judges.

7. Be cool to your fellow hackers! Check out our Code of Conduct.

How is the hackathon judged?
Projects will be judged based on the following criteria, with a total of 5 points per criteria:

  • Fundability: How fundable is this idea? Is there potential for a sustainable business model?
  • Execution: How well was the project executed and explained? Did it work?
  • UI/UX: Beyond design, was the end-to-end user experience for the solution considered?
  • Originality: How original, creative or unique is the idea?
  • Scalability: How scalable is the solution? Will it make an impact?

Know someone who would make a great judge of awesomeness and innovation? Nominate them (or yourself!) at info@angelhack (dot) com

Curious what it looks like to sponsor awesomeness and innovation? Reach out to us at info@angelhack (dot) com

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