- 13 October 2018 10:30 - 30 November -0001 17:00
- Music Concert
- Ballsbridge Terrace, Dublin 4, Ireland.
- $ Ticket price starts from : EURO 97
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It is your spiritual right to know who your angels are - you have the gifts within to harness this incredible relationship.
For the past 15 years, Kyle Gray has dedicated his life to understanding what it takes to create a bridge between heaven and Earth. He believes that it is his soul-led mission to help people like you to create a personal bond your Guardian Angel.
The angels are real and they are with you right now. They are dedicated to your health, healing and growth. You are your angels purpose and when you choose to develop a bond with them - you allow them to fulfil their calling so that they can guide you with love.
Have you ever felt like your angel has been trying to send you a message?
Have you ever found a pure white feather that arrived somewhere with no worldly explanation?
The Angels are with you right now.
Many hear stories about the angels intervening upon the Earth, saving lives and miraculously appearing to others ? but what you need to know is that you too are worthy of these experiences and that you can develop through meditation, prayer and spiritual practice.
In this powerful, love-fulled day - Kyle Gray will lead you to awakening your angelic connection. You'll be given spiritual tools that will help you tap into your Universal-given right to experience the angels directly.
You'll be introduced to the Angels of the world and given examples of how they have shown themselves through the years and in different parts of the worlds. You'll also learn about the Archangels that are working directly with the Earth and how you can harness their supportive light upon your personal journey.
You'll be guided to:
Learn how to:
What to expect: