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About Dasara Triathlon

  • Swimming Pool (50 mtrs) based | Cycling Route: 5 Kms Loop| Running Route: 2 Kms Loop, Shared Traffic | Timed event
  • Category 1 (Super Sprint Distance): 400m swimming, 10Km Cycling, 2.5Km Running
  • Category 2 (Sprint Distance): 750m swimming, 20Km Cycling, 5Km Running
  • Registration Fee: Rs. 350/- (all inclusive), subsidized to promote triathlon as a sport

Participant Instructions


  • Participants without proper swim wear will not be allowed to participate
  • Swim attire (mandatory) – swim cap, swim shorts for men, swim suit for women
  • Swim attire (optional) – goggles


  • Participants without helmet will not be allowed to participate
  • Participants are required to deposit their cycles in the transition area near swimming pool before 6:30 AM on 7-Oct-2018
  • Type of cycle is of participants choice, preferred is road bikes. Organizers will make no arrangements for bi cycles.
  • While effort will be made to limit / control traffic, there will be traffic along the route, so it is participants’ responsibility to prioritize their safety at all times.
  • Super Sprint Distance: 2 Loops of the 5Km route
  • Sprint Distance: 4 Loops of the 5Km route
  • Without helmet participants will not be allowed to ride their cycle, they can finish the other two segments (swim & run) but will be marked as Did Not Finish (DNF)


  • Super Sprint Distance: 1 Loops of the 2Km route, 1 Loop of 0.25Km
  • Sprint Distance: 2 Loops of the 2Km route, 1 Loop of 0.5Km
  • At the 0.25Km and 0.5Km U-turn mark, participants will have to collect a wrist band from volunteers
  • The Color of the band at each U-turn will be different, to ensure participants took the right turn relevant to their race category
  • Collecting the correct color band from the volunteers is the responsibility of the participants. No exceptions will be made if missed
  • Without the correct colored wrist band, the participants will be marked as DNF – Did Not Finish
  • While effort will be made to limit / control traffic, there will be traffic along the route, so it is participants responsibility to prioritize their safety at all times

Transition Area

  • Cycles can be deposited only from 5:30 AM to 6:30 AM on 7-Oct-2018
  • Nobody will be allowed inside the transition area after 6:30 AM
  • Only participants will be allowed inside the transition area, NO Parents or Support crew will be allowed
  • Participants will be disqualified if they ride inside the transition area, they are supposed to push the bike till the mount zone and unmount before entering the transition area

BIB Collection & Briefing

  • BIB distribution will happen on 6th Oct Saturday evening in Mysore, details of the location & time will be communicated to registered participants later by email.
  • Attending the race briefing session on 6th Oct Saturday during BIB distribution is mandatory for all participants for their own safety during the event.
  • All registered participants have to sign a waiver form before BIB collection.
  • If a minor is participating in the event, then their parents / legal gauradians will have to sign a waiver form on behalf of the minor and provide their consent for the minor to participate in the event on the BIB collection day.
  • Without signing the waiver form, BIB will not be distributed to any participant
  • There will be no BIB distribution on the event day (Oct 7th), if a registered participant doesn’t collect the BIB on Oct 6th then they will not be allowed to participate on Oct 7th. They will be treated as “No Show”
  • Once the online registrations are closes, there will be no spot registrations

Terms & Conditions

  • If the participant is a minor, this declaration is assumed to be provided by their parent / legal guardians on their behalf during the minor’s online event registration.
  • If a minor has registered, they will be allowed to participate only if accompanied by a parent or guardian. No exceptions will be made and no refunds will be made.
  • Participants are solely responsible to ensure they are medically & physically fit to participate in the event. As deemed necessary they are advised to consult their physician(s) and / or other medical experts to seek advice on their participation in this event.
  • Only confirmed participants will be allowed to use the premises and facilities provided.
  • Organizers are not responsible for any loss of baggage and belongings. There is no separate baggage counter.
  • Organizers will do their best to ensure safe keep of things in the transition area, however organizers take no responsibility for loss of any items from the transition area.
  • In case of the event being cancelled or postponed due to unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances (force majeure), the organizer shall not be liable in respect to any costs and expenses the participants may incur as a result of such cancellation or postponement. The organizers will not be liable to refund the registration fee.
  • Once registered there is no option for a participant to cancel, or change their race category.


  • If the participant is a minor, this declaration is assumed to be provided by their parent / legal guardian on their behalf during the minor’s online event registration.
  • I have read and understood all the above mentioned Terms & Conditions and I agree to abide by them.
  • Understand, agree and irrevocably permit the organizing Team, to use my photograph / video taken on event Day for various purposes including promoting the event, at their own discretion.
  • I and my legal representatives, waive all claims of whatsoever nature against the Organizers, any and all Sponsors of the event, any and all Partners of the event, any and all vendors of the event, and all other persons and entities associated with the event and the directors, employees, agents and representatives of all or any of the aforementioned, any claims that might result from me participating in the event and whether on account of illness, injury, death or otherwise.

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