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About What were Black people doing in World War 1 ?

For the 100th anniversary of the ending of World War 1 we present a comprehensive overview of the African/Caribbean presence, contribution and importance in the 1914-1918 war Despite being on the British school curriculum most people have no idea that Black people played any part in either World War 1 or World War 2.

This interactive seminar will give an explanation of the crucial role Africa, Asia and the Caribbean played in WW1. Interviews with Jamaican WW1 veterans, the West India Regiment in Palestine, Black and Asian fighter pilots, the Herero genocide, German colonies in Africa and how that affected world geography and WW2 and more

"I wanted to tell you that the lecture given by BHW at the Imperial War Musuem on 26th July was brilliant! When I came home, my parents were really excited about how much I had Dad has always enouraged me to get a full picture of British history and until the lecture yesterday I hadn't fully realised how much of a void there is in the British History that is readily available at schools and Universities.

I am a student at Lancaster University and I study the First World War but I knew nothing about the involvement of Black British Soldiers! " Faye Grimes

This event is organised in collaboration with Islington BAME forum and Every Voice

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